English SHOP

Hello! My name is Lena and I am an experienced Tarot card reader. If you have questions and you need guidance contact me on  tarothos@gmail.com and I will provide guidance and answer any question you may have.

I run a successful ETSY SHOP where I offer tarot readings, talismans, spells, spell readings, angel card messages, rituals and so much more.
So if you are English speaking you can VISIT MY ETSY SHOP or contact me on tarothos@gmail.com and you will receive your reading on English.

You can see my full international offer on  MY ENGLISH BLOG

Paying is via Pay Pal and you receive your analysis the same day by email.

"She was right once again. Very fast response. Thank you! "
"Right on target."
"She is amazing. I don't know how she does it. Her accuracy rate on things that can be measured is 100 percent for me. Other readings that are more for guidance are always on target. HIGHLY recommend."
"Repeat customer. VERY VERY impressed."
"Very fast and very kind and caring. Lovely person. Readings resonated. THANKS"
"Very quickly done with much care and kindness. Thank you."
"Fast, accurate and great price. Thank you."
"Thank you, this reading was hugely helpful! "
"Thank you, i am a repeat customer, your guidance/intuition is appreciated!"
"Thank you, i enjoyed my reading "
"Reading was detailed and provided guidance, thank you!"

Have a very nice day and a lot of positive energy.


